The Science Education Minor provides preparation for careers where teaching and conveying science are important components, including secondary, community college, and university teaching, or other science-related outreach.
The curriculum of the Science Education minor provides:
- two quarters of field experiences in elementary, middle and/or high school science classes,
- two quarters of UCLA-based laboratory teaching practicums taught by experts in laboratory instruction in the disciplines,
- the science courses necessary for preparation for the state subject matter exams (if pursuing a teaching credential), and
- the flexibility in education courses to allow individualization of the minor to fit the graduate and/or credential program of your choice.
The minor is designed to provide both theory and hands-on experiences. Students interested in K-12 education, as well as graduate programs in their STEM disciplines, are the primary focus.
Admission to the Minor
Students eligible for admission to the minor will be making normal progress to the preparation for a major in the Sciences whether they have declared such a major or not. As such, they will have completed 9 courses from the following with at least one from each of the four departments below:
1) Life Sciences 7A, 7B, 7C, 7L or 23L;
2) Chemistry 14A, 14AE, 14B, 14C, 14BL, 14CL or Chemistry 20A, 20B, 20L, 30A, 30AL;
3) Physics 1A, 1B, 4AL, 4BL or 5A, 5B, 5C;
4) Mathematics 3A, 31A, or Life Sciences 30A.
To enter the minor students must be in academic good standing with an overall grade-point average of 2.0 or better. Students must meet with the Science Education Minor Advisor to plan a coherent program to complete the minor along with their major, prior to filing a petition to enter the minor. To schedule an advising appointment, please email
Requirements for the Minor
At least seven courses are included in the minor with no more than two as lower division. A minimum of 22 upper division units are required. See UCLA Catalog Science Education Minor.
Lower division preparatory courses
# Courses
One course from Science Education 1XP (2), Science Education 10XP (2), or Science Education 15XP (3) |
Earth, Planetary and Space Sciences 1 (5). One of the following courses may be substituted for Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences 1: AOS 101 (5), 102 (4), 103 (4); or EPS SCI 101 (4), C113 (4); or by petition: lower division EPS SCI courses except EPS SCI 2, 19, M71. |
Total: 2 courses |
6-8 units
Upper division courses (22 units minimum):
# Courses
Science Education 100XP (formerly 100SL) |
5 |
Education 127 Note that Education 128 does not count towards the Science Education Minor. |
Total: 2 courses | 10 units |
In addition, you must complete a minimum of 12 units (minimum of 3 courses) from the following:
Varies (1-2) |
Lab-based Practicum*: At least 3 units selected from: Chemistry 192A (4), 192B (4), Physiological Science 192A (1), 192B (2-4), Physics M192S (1), 192M (2-4), Life Sciences M192A (1), 192B (3), 192C (4), 192D (2), 192E (1).
*192 Practicums must be lab-based; for Life Science and Physics, you must choose a lab-based course or section. More information on how to enroll is below. |
Varies (3 unit minimum) |
1 |
Education Elective: At least one course selected from the following Education courses: M102 (4), M103 (4), 104A (formerly 134) (4), 105B (formerly 133) (5), 106A (5), 107A (formerly 130) (5), 107B (formerly 164) (5), M108 (5), C111 (formerly C125) (5), 123 (5), 126 (formerly 166) (5), M131A (formerly M194A) (5). 132 (5), M136 (4), 139 (5), 141 (5).
Or, some UC online courses to be approved on a case-by-case basis: UC Cross-Campus Enrollment (Select Education) Or, some non-lab-based practicums (192 courses) by petition. |
Varies (4 unit minimum) |
Varies (1-2) |
Varies | |
Total: 3 courses minimum | 12 units minimum |
Education enrollment rules: Currently, Science Education Minors are able to enroll in the above Education courses during second pass. See Undergraduate course enrollment rules on Education website (scroll down and select Undergraduate course enrollment rules).
How to enroll in the practicum:
Chemistry: |
Contact the instructor for permission to enroll: Dr. Pang -; Dr. Russell - Students who have completed the Chem14BL, 14CL series or the 20L and 30AL series have met the prerequisites for both Chem 192A and 192B. The courses include a one-hour weekly pedagogy seminar plus assisting as a UA in either Chem 14BL or 20L labs. The date and time for the one hour pedagogy seminar and the labs where you will be a UA will be arranged around your schedule and that of the others in the class. |
Physiological Sciences:
Contact the instructor for permission to enroll: Dr. Phelps - |
Life Science or Physics: |
If you are not offered a spot in the appropriate course, please contact for assistance. |
How to declare the minor?
Please contact to express your interest and ask any questions.