Our Mission

The goal of the UC-wide Cal Teach Initiative is to encourage the diverse group of UC students majoring or planning to major in Math, Science and Engineering to consider teaching as a career. Learn more about UC-wide CalTeach.

There is a great need for teachers in the state of California, particularly for science, math, and special education. The shortage of highly qualified, credentialed teachers in these subjects is particularly acute in high-needs schools throughout the state.

The UCLA Cal Teach program is committed to encouraging and supporting students interested in K-12 math and science teaching. 

Our program wants UCLA science and math majors to experience, first-hand, the amazing impact that they can have on teaching and that teaching can have on them. We look forward to hearing from you!!


Program Overview

Want to explore teaching?


Lower division courses include Science Education 1XP, 10XP, or 15XP (science focus) and Math 73XP, 74XP, 75XP (math focus). Each course includes 20 hours of internship in a local school. 

Upper division courses include Science Education 100XP and Math 105A, B, C (see Math department).

During the summer, we offer a one-week paid internship ($400) in high needs schools throughout the Los Angeles area.





Already decided to teach?

Begin your credential work during your senior year, and then complete your masters degree in the year following graduation.

For science, you may apply for the Science Teacher Education Program (STEP).

For math, you may apply for the Joint Math Education Program (JMEP).

The math department also offers the four-year Integrated Pathway program. For more information on the two math credential programs, please see the UCLA Curtis Center for Mathematics and Teaching.






Other opportunities:



The Science Education Minor is useful to those potentially pursuing a career where teaching is an important component, such as K-12, or in academia at a University, Four-Your College, or Community College, or other science-related outreach.

The Mathematics for Teaching Minor, offered through the math department, is designed for students majoring in fields other than mathematics who plan to teach secondary mathematics after graduation.

The Math for Teaching Major, offered by the math department, provides a rigorous degree in math that makes you eligible either to continue graduate studies or pursue a career teaching secondary math.












Administrative Structure:

The UCLA Cal Teach program is housed in the Chemistry Department as part of the Division of Physical Sciences, with the Dean of Physical Sciences as the campus lead. Professor Arlene Russell (Chemistry) has been the Faculty Director since the program’s inception in 2005. Cal Teach courses, associated minors, and undergraduate credential pathways involve various collaborations with UCLA School of Education and Information Studies and UCLA Curtis Center for Mathematics and Teaching in the Math Department.