Cal Teach/ Math for LA Courses

Math 73XP - Key Issues in K-12 Math Education - 3 units - course description

Math 74XP - Mathematics and Pedagogy for Teaching Elementary Mathematics - 3 units - course description

Math 75XP - Mathematics and Pedagogy for Teaching Middle School Mathematics - 3 units - course description

Math 105 ABC - Mathematics and Pedagogy for Teaching Secondary School Mathematics (High School)


How to enroll?

School placements, enrollment, and other logistics for Math 73XP, 74XP, and 75XP are administered by the Cal Teach office housed in 1039 Young Hall. You must apply on this Cal Teach website to receive a PTE to enroll in these courses. To apply, go to “Course Applications”.

Math 105ABC is administered entirely by the Math department (including any associated field experiences).


*For more information on the above courses, please contact the Cal Teach office at or the UCLA Curtis Center for Mathematics and Teaching.